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Cash: The Black Cobras MC #2 Page 15

  “Come on,” he growled and grabbed my hand and we were running out of the bar, down the hallway and in the direction of the room I had been in all these hours.

  Along with my shoes slapping against the floor, I could feel my own heart thudding too. This couldn’t actually be happening…could it really?

  Cash wanted me?

  He thrust open the door to the room with his body and we both fell through, just as he caught me again, winding his arms around me so we could kiss.

  I pressed myself to him and we were kissing. Our mouths moving together, our tongues sliding in and out as we explored each other. One by one, he was beginning to remove my clothes and I did the same with his. We were naked within moments. Not a stitch on us.

  He cupped my breasts, his hands moved down to my butt, he squeezed every curve of my body and I reached for his big throbbing cock. I was stroking it, enjoying the feeling of making it grow. Knowing I had complete control over him now, just the way he had complete control over me too.

  He lifted me up in his arms, my naked body sliding up and down while we kissed and nibbled at each other.

  He carried me to the bed and laid me down on it, throwing himself over me immediately after. I could feel the mattress sagging underneath me because of his power. His muscles clenched and his biceps tightened as he covered me with his body and started kissing me again.

  If only he knew more…if only he knew what else was happening inside my body. But he didn’t, and this was all I had to give to him tonight. Now would not be the right time to confess the truth to him.

  His mouth moved down to my breasts, where he started sucking on one erect achingly sensitive nipple and then the next. I widened my legs apart, feeling the pressure mounting in my pussy. I needed him inside me. I could feel the moistness making me so wet…and while he sucked on my nipples, his fingers moved down till he could feel my wet pussy.

  I gasped and giggled when he slipped a finger into me, like he just wanted to feel how wet I was. I sufficiently satisfied him.

  Quickly, without giving me any notice; he moved down from my breasts to my pussy. His mouth covered my hot swollen clit as he started sucking on it. I cried out with delight, rolling my hips up towards his face, jerking upwards so I could weave my fingers into his thick dark hair.

  I had never felt this beautiful before…than in this moment when his mouth was stuck to my pussy, between my wide-apart legs. I felt like a Goddess, like I was capable of anything!

  He was going to make me come.

  With one hand, using those large fingers of his, he played with my nipples, while he tasted and sucked on my pussy with his mouth. I moved against him. His rough beard scratched against the insides of my thighs and it felt so good!

  I kept moving against him, rolling my hips and he continued to suck me just the way I wanted him to and within moments…I was coming. I was coming right there in his mouth and he kept sucking. Kept lapping me up like he wanted to clean me dry.

  The orgasm took over my whole body, making me rock gently back and forth while he worshipped my clit and pussy. Nothing had ever felt this good before. I felt awake and alive and beautiful and slowly, my orgasm started to fade, and I opened my eyes to him.

  Cash moved away from me and rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth. His dark eyes were glittering with desire. It was his turn.

  I kept laying there on the bed on my back, with my legs stretched apart. I didn’t care what he did to me, how he used me for his pleasure. I just wanted him to feel good. Just as good as he made me feel.

  Cash caught me by my knees and seemed to spread my legs even further apart now. He positioned himself over me and I looked down at his big throbbing cock and arched my back up towards him, trying to communicate to him just how much I wanted him.

  He gave my pussy one quick rub and felt the moistness of me before he thrust his cock in. The bed shook with the force of him and I seemed to leap up. I wrapped my arms around him, pressing myself to his body as he started to thrust into me repeatedly.

  Slowly at first, just to pick up the rhythm and then he was fast, like a jackhammer, ramming himself in and out of me while the bed shook with us.

  I couldn’t help myself from moaning with every thrust. It felt so good. His cock was deep inside me, deep in there, rubbing and stroking the farthest corners of me that would tip me over the edge again.

  We moved together and he was holding on to me tightly. I had to do everything I could to force myself to not look into his eyes. I had no idea what I would find there, and I was worried it would scare me.

  What if I saw that he didn’t care? That all he wanted to do was fuck me? What if I saw he had feelings for me? Just the way I did?

  But I couldn’t think about that anymore right now. Cash was about to come.

  He grunted and thrust hard till I could feel his cum filling me up the same way I’d felt it that first night he came inside me. It didn’t matter anymore; he’d already given me something he couldn’t take back. A little part of him.

  I felt his seed shoot deep inside me and I bit down on my lip, rubbing my cheek against his rough hard chest while he continued to empty himself.

  It felt good. No other man could make me feel this way. This happy, this safe, this beautiful…only Cash. And I still didn’t know what he damn wanted!

  Once he had emptied himself in me, we fell back together on the bed.

  I was exhausted, still weak from the ordeal of the past few days. My body was still recovering and sex with Cash always felt like an adventure.

  My breasts were heaving as I lay there beside him. He was staring up at the ceiling, breathing hard too. Neither of us were willing to be the first ones to speak.

  But very soon, as the silent minutes ticked on, I could feel myself drifting away. I was going to fall asleep very soon. My eyelids were heavy, and I could feel my body starting to relax and I couldn’t stop it from happening.



  Vivian fell asleep very quickly after we had sex. I’d fallen back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and trying to decide what I wanted to say to her now—and then when I looked back over at her, she was already asleep.

  Did she know how beautiful she looked, sleeping like that? Her dark silky hair was strewn like a curtain across her face. Her arms were limp and delicately placed on her sides. Her bare breasts rose and fell while her eyelashes fluttered against her olive cheeks.

  The only thing I really wanted to do now was reach for her and touch her. I wanted to feel the smoothness of her skin, the softness of her cheeks. I wanted to taste her soft succulent raisin colored nipples.

  How crazy would it be if I just wrapped my arms around her right now and fell asleep? I had never intentionally done anything like this before.

  The only times I shared a bed with a woman in the past ten years; had happened by accident. Because I was too drunk to know what I was doing, and I fell asleep before I could leave or ask her to leave.

  Tonight though, I was fully conscious and wide awake. I could see Vivian lying there beside me. Even though she was fast asleep and not saying a word, it felt like she was calling out to me…asking me to hold her.

  Slowly, I reached for her, sliding my arm under her head as gently as I could because I didn’t want to wake her up. Vivian moaned in her sleep. It was adorable and then before I knew it, she’d rolled herself over to me, wrapping her arms around me and fell asleep with her face pressed to my bare chest.

  My hands automatically went up to her head. I was weaving my fingers in her hair, stroking her while she slept. I could feel her soft breaths falling on me. This was exactly what I fantasized about all those days when I was watching her. And now I had her in my arms and it was more than everything I’d imagined.

  I’d never done something like this before, not since Laura, and now I could feel myself drifting off too. In her sleep, Vivian tangled her legs around mine, pressing herself close to me. She looked so peaceful and serene
in her sleep. I wished I could see her like this every night.

  There were decisions to make and steps to take but I couldn’t think about them now. Not tonight.

  No, tonight was going to be all about Vivian and me, and our bodies tangled together and how she made me feel when she slept beside me like this. In the morning I would allow myself to worry about the rest. There was still time for all that.

  * * *

  So, in the morning, just at the crack of dawn, I looked over to my side and saw Vivian still lying there in my arms. We had slept like this, our bodies pressed together, our arms tangled up with each other’s. I didn’t know if she had any clue of how we’d spent the night. I didn’t know what her reaction would be if she found out.

  Last night was just a one-last gesture, right?

  I slid my arm from under her and silently got up and started dressing myself. Vivian barely moved and when she did, she simply curled herself up in a ball under the covers and continued to sleep peacefully.

  I was ready to leave. There was no point in me hanging around here any longer. I didn’t want to give her a fright or embarrass her when she woke up to find me in her room.

  So instead, I just left.

  Outside, I could see evidence that the guys had celebrated long and hard all night and probably all morning. Most of them were still sprawled all around the bar and I had to walk over some of my passed out friends to get out of there.

  Without looking back, I rode my bike to my apartment. I needed a shower. I needed to take a look at my wounds. I needed some food in my system so I could feel alive again. Everything just felt jumbled up in my head right now.

  While I was in the shower, all I could think about was Vivian. This felt different somehow, to what I thought I’d felt before with Laura. I didn’t know how or why it was different, but it definitely felt like something had changed. Maybe I was just older.

  Either way, it didn’t matter because Vivian needed to go.

  Now was her chance. The Sons of Satan were going to have to lick their wounds and try and put themselves back together, and in the meantime, if she distanced herself from me and the rest of the club—they would forget about her, they would leave her alone. This was her chance to get herself out of this mess.

  I rubbed shampoo and soap all over me, enjoying the steady stream of hot fiery water all over my body. I needed to rub away every last trace of Vivian off myself so I could start the process of trying to forget about her.

  This was for the best. This was the best gift I could give her for the way she made me feel. I needed to keep her safe and the only way I could do so was to make sure she cut off all contact with me.

  In fact, the best thing she could do for her safety right now would be to leave town. I didn’t know how I was going to get her to do that, but it would be the best decision she could make.

  Either way, things were not going to go any further than this for her and me. That much was certain.



  I woke up to an empty bed, even though I distinctly remembered falling asleep beside him. At some point in the night when I’d blinked my eyes barely open, still groggy from sleep, I thought I could feel Cash beside me. I thought I felt our arms and legs tangled up together too. It felt so real. I was sure he was right there!

  I sat up in bed in that small empty room and looked around with sadness. My clothes from last night were still strewn all over the floor. And when I took in a deep breath, I thought I could still smell Cash everywhere around me. On the sheets, on my body, in the room.

  I didn’t know what to do.

  I got out of bed and started to collect my clothes. Since I hadn’t been back to my apartment yet, I had no other choice but to put on the same clothes I was wearing the previous day. Did I even need to stay in this room anymore? Didn’t Cash say the threat was eliminated and I was going to be safe from the Sons of Satan now?

  Did it mean I could go back home now?

  He hadn’t told me anything. Hadn’t given me any instructions. He’d simply disappeared in the morning without even leaving me a note.

  Was this all the indication I needed that he didn’t care about me? What was last night supposed to mean? It wasn’t supposed to mean anything, right? It was just sex.

  I tried to keep myself strong. I tried to recall the things Patch had told me the previous day. Cash was not an expressive man. The club was important to him but lately his priorities had been changing. He’d spent the past weeks…several days…keeping an eye on me because he knew my life was in danger.

  All those things indicated to the fact that he cared. Maybe he just left this morning because he had something important to do? Some business to attend to?

  I tried to remain positive and not fall apart.

  Maybe the most sensible thing to do right now would be to tell him the truth. Rita was right, her words kept ringing in my ears now. Cash had every right to know about this baby. I did not have the right to make the decision for him. He was just as much a part of this child as I was, and he deserved to know.

  And last night was…beautiful.

  The way he held me. The way he fought for me. How much he’d done already to keep me safe. It told me that he genuinely cared. That he had feelings for me.

  I decided I was going to wait for him to return to the clubhouse and then I was going to tell him about the pregnancy. It was about time that Cash found out he was going to be a daddy.

  * * *

  I waited at the bar, helping out Bender clear the mess from the previous night. I’d showered and changed and tried to keep my spirits up while I waited for Cash to make an appearance at the clubhouse again.

  Everyone was being nice to me, despite the fact that they were nursing raging hangovers; I could tell. It wasn’t until several hours later in the afternoon that Cash finally showed up, and he seemed to be surprised I was still there.

  He walked straight up to the counter, where I was helping Bender clean the glasses.

  “Can we talk?” I said to him, before he could distract himself with anything else.

  “Yes, I think we should,” he replied and the serious way in which he was speaking made me doubt my decision a little, but I tried to remain strong. It had to be done. I needed to lay the truth out there.

  Cash waited for me as I wiped my hands clean on a rag and then followed him out of the bar. He was leading me to the porch at the back and neither of us were speaking to each other. This was making me nervous. This was not how I imagined this moment to be.

  We went into the porch and I tried to keep smiling when he faced me.

  Cash licked his lips and then ran a hand through his hair. There was a sullen and darkened look in his eyes, which made me feel unsure about him. I was about to open my mouth to say something, but he interrupted me.

  “Vivian, I think you should leave town.”

  My words choked in my throat. I couldn’t believe he really just said that to me! He must have seen how the color drained from my cheeks because he cleared his throat and prepared to explain himself.

  “I know this is not what you want to hear, and you’ve been trying to build a career for yourself here, in this city. I’m also very sorry to get you involved in all this, but I think the safest option for you is to leave town. Take yourself out of the picture. It will help the Sons of Satan forget about you.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. This couldn’t really be happening. I was expecting this conversation to go in a completely different direction. I was expecting this to be a happy moment. After the night we shared last night, the way he made love to me felt different in so many ways…I genuinely believed he was ready to open himself up to me. That he might even be open to having a family and cherishing this baby.

  And now I was finding out that all this time he was simply making plans for me to disappear! So last night had been nothing more than one last one-night-stand before I left town!

  “It doesn’t have to be right now…�
� Cash was continuing to say, but it was my turn to interrupt him this time.

  “No, you’re right and it has to be now,” I snapped.

  Cash looked at me dazedly. Maybe he wasn’t expecting me to agree with him this quickly. I’d startled myself with my own enthusiasm. The truth was that I wasn’t enthusiastic in the least. I just wanted to get out of here, get out of this city…especially now since I knew I had no chance with Cash.

  I’d misinterpreted the entire situation. Patch was wrong about him too.

  Cash may have developed a soft corner for me, a protective side; but that in no way translated to us actually having a relationship. The only solution he could come up with for all my problems was for me to leave.

  I glared at him—right at his devastatingly handsome face, hoping that he would have something more to say to me. Some parting words of encouragement. Something to tell me that he’d miss me. I was carrying his child!

  But it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know I was pregnant.

  “Okay, then, that’s good,” he said and crossed his arms over his wide chest. “Do you know where you’re going to go?”

  “Back to my hometown,” I snapped, trying to keep the color from rising to my cheeks. “It’s the only place I can return to now.”

  My nostrils flared. I was doing everything in my power to not let him see just how much this conversation was affecting me.

  “I’m sorry Vivian, this is probably going to hurt your dreams of having a modeling career. But you need to stay under the radar, at least for a few years till this tides over. I wish I could change it somehow.”

  I shook my head, holding back the tears.

  “It’s fine. This is for the best. It wasn’t like I was going to turn into a supermodel overnight. It wasn’t really working out for me. I should never have left that place. It’s where I belong.”